Inspiring Destinations San Marino
One of the three towers of San Marino

Inspiring Destinations – San Marino City

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Inspiring Destinations San Marino
One of the three towers of San Marino

San Marino

San Marino is a small landlocked country located high on the Apennine range, sitting entirely within Italy. The city, known locally as Città, is 749 m (2,457 ft) above sea level.

The city dates from 301CE when a stonemason named Marinus from the island of Rab (now Croatia) founded a monastery on the ridge of Mount Titano.

A castle with a path leading to it
Prima Torre – Guaita Tower approached from the city

It is said to be the oldest sovereign state with the earliest written governing documents. The mountainous location has helped the country survive as a republic throughout the centuries.

A church at sunset
Basilica of San Marino – Pieve is a neoclassical 19th-century church with relics of San Marino, the patron saint of the Republic.

The three towers, Torri di San Marino, are a group of medieval defensive towers located on the three highest points of Monte Titano.

A tower sitting on the peak of a cliff
One of the towers sitting on a cliff top peak

Two of the towers (Guaita and Cesta) can be entered by the public while the third (Montale) is closed to visitors.

"InspiringThere is more to the city than the towers and the views.

As tourism is one of the country’s main sources of revenue, the shops will lure you in to sample local items or purchase quality products.

A lower tax rate on so many products makes shopping very attractive.

A street lined with shops
The low tax rate makes the city a great shopping destination.

Read about our visit the the world’s 5th smallest country here – The Republic of San Marino is the Perfect Romantic Getaway.