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Czechia – Prague West

View over Prage from Prague Castle

Prague is one of the magnificent cities of Europe and has over 1,200 years of history.

This Prague West Self-Guided City Walk focuses on the Lesser Town or west side of the Vltava River and includes such fabulous locations as Prague Castle, Strahov Monastery and Loreto Sanctuary.

Other highlights include the viewpoints that look out over Prague from Petrin Hill, the parks that run alongside the river, and the famous Lennon Wall.

The east side of the river including Prague Old Town is in our other walk Prague East.

Walk Distance: 7.6km 4.7miles with a steep climb up to Petrov Tower (unless you take the funicular from Ujezd).

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Czechia – Prague East

Prague Old town Square

Prague is one of the magnificent cities of Europe and has over 1,200 years of history. The capital city of the Czech Republic, Prague was also the capital of the Kingdom of Bohemia and the main residence of several Holy Roman Emperors.

The Prague East Self-Guided City Walk focuses on the Old Town or east side of the Vltava River and includes Prague Old Town Square, The Astronomical Clock, Charles Bridge, and some interesting museums and churches.

The west side of the river including Prague Castle is available by purchasing our other walk – Prague West.

Walk Distance: 5.0km/ 3.0 miles with only small inclines.