Travel by Bus From Singapore to Malacca (Melaka)

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Getting the Bus from Singapore to Malacca

Getting a bus from Singapore to Malacca (Melaka) is not difficult as long as you have organized your trip in advance. But it’s knowing which bus will ensure you have happy travels.

We chose the bus company 707 Inc for the 255 km journey from Singapore to Malacca.

How long is the bus ride from Singapore to Malacca?

It would be best if you allowed four hours even though one hour is spent:

  • getting off the bus for passport control at the Singapore border
  • then getting back onto the bus to cross over the causeway to enter Malaysia
  • and then getting off the bus with your bags for Malaysia passport control

Afterwards, you can sit back and relax, dreaming of your Malaysian adventure of culinary spicy foods and learning the history of Malacca.

Fabulous Foods of Ipoh

707 Inc Bus Review

Bus to Malacca from Singapore
On the road with 707 Inc.

Before booking any travel, we like to do our homework and check online reviews to make sure other travellers have:

  • value for money
  • an enjoyable experience
  • they felt safe

So, when we checked the online reviews for the 707 bus from Singapore to Malacca, we were happy with what we found.

The 707 Inc bus review highlighted the bus was:

  • a modern bus
  • air-conditioned
  • safe 
  • good driver reviews

So, we were happy to make our booking with the 707 Inc bus.

Check out our resources page for nine free travel apps to make travel easier.

How to Book the 707 Inc Bus Singapore to Malacca

Prebook your ticket and seat by clicking on the 707 Inv website  ➡ 707 Inc

Or you can use Easybook to make your online booking ⇒ Easy Easybook

The bus tickets range from SGD13 to SGD20 per person, depending on the time and day you book.

Try to avoid the top front seats. They have great views but also have direct sunlight.


Things to Do before you Book your Bus from Singapore to Malacca

1. Check the 707-inc bus review online

2. Ensure you have the dates of the journey for a one-way trip or a return journey

3. Do you want to travel in the morning, afternoon or evening

4. Choose which bus terminal to leave from in Singapore and arrive in Malacca

5. Find the directions and location of the bus terminal the day before you leave

Once you have all this information, then go online to make your booking.


Where to Get the Bus from Singapore to Malacca

Bus Terminal with a bus waiting
The 707-Inc Queen Street Bus Terminal

The 707 inc Bus Terminal is on the corner of Queen and Ban San Streets, Singapore.

It is also known as the Singapore-Johore Express Terminal.

We checked in at the makeshift office to ensure we knew where our bus was parked.

We suggest always staying with your bags until the holding door is closed.

Our bus from Singapore to Malacca (or Melaka, as it is known locally) was due to leave the Singapore-Johore Express Terminal at 11 a.m

While we waited, we had time to find food and drinks at the day market on Albert Street for the four-hour bus ride.

Tip – Take Singapore Dollars to exchange at the Money Changers in Malacca Sentral as ATMs are limited.


Getting from Melaka Sentral to Malacca Old Town

We finally made it to Melaka Sentral but realized it wasn’t Central to where we stayed.

Malacca Old Town is about 5km from Melaka Sentral, so we had to organize a Taxi for 25 Ringgit (about USD6) from the bus station.

You can exchange your Singapore dollars for Malaysian ringgits inside the bus terminal.

Where to Stay in Malacca

When choosing accommodation for your stay, we have a few favourite sites. Because we love to save money on accommodation, we use these sites regularly to get discounts to enjoy another wine or beer.

As it is always a favourite, has plenty of options.

We chose to stay at The Baba House.

Our hotel for the next three nights is The Baba House, with a room rate of RM120 (USD30 on special), which is usually RM160. Breakfast was included, but it is basic, so eating out may be a better option.

We unpacked in our basic, air-conditioned, windowless room and relaxed for a while before heading out.

Our priority now was to find a beer and explore the surrounding area to find some dinner, too. We walked to the main tourist spot about 750 meters from our hotel.


Architecture of Malacca

Red colours church with three arches
Christ Church Melaka

Malacca has an incredible history of being a key trade centre for hundreds of years.

It has been conquered and colonized by the Malay, Portuguese, Dutch, and British, each colonization leaving its mark on the buildings and food of Malacca.

Time to Quench the First with a Riverside View

When beer is only 90c a bottle, what could be better?

Walking alongside the river, we encountered a bar called the Idlers Corner. Ordering a beer for 90c a bottle. Fantastic.

Man and women having a bed sitting at a table by a canal
Enjoying a beer at Idler’s Corner

Terry started talking to the barman, who was from Pakistan, and soon, the chatter turned to cricket. It turns out Pasha played cricket at a high level in Pakistan, so he and Terry were quite happy chatting old cricket stories.

Pasha then asked us to come and take a look behind the fence.

Ok, what could be lurking there?

In a small space between buildings was a big reptile, a Monitor Lizard, at least 1.5m long!

Pasha told us this lizard was just a baby. Really? And much bigger lizards swim up the river and rest here occasionally.

It was quite a freaky sight that left us with goosebumps, even though it was still above 30degsC.

A green and yellow spotted monitor lizard walking across a path
Our friendly Monitor Lizard

Nighttime in Malacca is a Good Night out

After the beer and bar snacks, we continued our orientation walk around the town. We were amazed at the spectacular trishaws being ridden around.

They were very garish, wearing neon-lit garb and playing jazzy music while transporting tourists around the town at RM40 per hour (USD10).

Rickashaw covered in lights
Neon-lit Trishaws light up the night in Malacca.

As we were getting hungry, we decided to have a meal on the walk back to the hotel. We took a walk along Jonker Walk, Malacca’s Chinatown, and ended up at a corner restaurant called the Geographer’s Café.

People walking through a night market with stalls on each side
Nighttime is all action on Jonker’s Walk.

We ordered the café special Geographer’s Curry RM7 and some Tempeh RM3, a crispy soy product the locals use as a source of protein.

Rice bowl with vegetable curry
Geographer’s Curry (above) and some Tempeh (below)
Three pieces of fried food with cumcumber slices

Maura’s drink was a sour plum cocktail and the most expensive at RM13, but it was refreshing and local.

Man and women drinking cocktails
Cocktails are always fun at Geographer’s in Malacca

If you want to stay up to date on travel ideas or need help getting between places, we would love you to join us.

Now, you can sit back and relax, dreaming of your Malaysian adventure of culinary spicy foods and learning more about Malacca during your stay.



  1. Nicolette says:

    Yummy yum yum food looks divine and what a cool place, poor lizzie the lizard wanted a cuddle ! Loving the posts keep,the coming too

    • Terry&Maura says:

      Yes, the food is wonderful, the lizards are amazing . Found a pic of fat cat last night, will send soon

  2. Fran McHale says:

    Hi Maura,Terry
    Great photos Terry. Amazing sites. Not so keen on the friendly lizard and to think his cousins swim up that river!!
    Loving the blog I look forward to it every time it arrives what a great adventure so far.
    Thanks for taking us along on the ride.
    Love Fran

  3. Terry&Maura says:

    All good Fran, more lizard stories coming your way!

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